Threw in some background stuff.


at: July 21, 2008 at 7:48 PM said...

Hi Kekai

I am just beginning to monkey around with digital painting in Photoshop. I am a writer/actor, sometimes director and After playing around in After Effects and PS I grabbed Expose 6 and was blown away by your work. Absolutely amazing.

I was wondering if you could recommend a book or dvd tutorial hat cofers the very basics of digital painting in PS. I picked up a couple DVD's at the Gnomon workshop here in Hollywood, but I'm wondering if even those are too advanced for me.

Anyway, you're an amazing artist, keep it up!

Harry Hannigan

at: July 21, 2008 at 7:53 PM said...

"...could recommend a book or dvd tutorial that covers the very basics..." is how that should read.

You can email me at if you want.


Luca says:
at: October 13, 2008 at 5:01 AM said...

your work is amazing... how do you make them so detailed??!!
